
i'm just a drummer. i'm just a rider. i love dogs. i love the greatest japanese rock band SPITZ!


今週のお題「センチメンタルな秋」 blue

today during the lunch break,i was just walking back to the officefrom a convenience store.unintentionally i looked up at the sky,sunny, clear, blue and was so limpid and deep,slightly swept by some silky clouds,and i kinda fe…

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@mame3zok: #YouTube - #nowplaying 「夜明け色のトンボ玉」 by 寺田町さん ・・・沁みる・・・ URL2011-11-08 22:46:40 via tbtwit @mame3zok: mame3zokの冬のボーナスは…【2,180万1,000円】 URL 夢のまた夢・・・2011-11-08 21:47:32 via Tweet Button